October 26, 2010

Moose Flanagan?????

I just finished reading Al Capone Shine My Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko.  Evidentally, this is a sequel book.  I am very excited to get to read the first book, Al Capone Does My Shirts.  I have always been interested in history and Alcatraz.  I got to visit Alcatraz in 2007.  It is quite a tour.  Go, if you ever get a chance.  This book is great.  It has comedy, suspense, and is good for grades 6th and up.  It does have a few "potty" words in it.  The main character is Moose Flanagan, a twelve-year-old boy who lives on Alcatraz because his father is guard.  He always tries to make everyone happy and tell them what they want.  His sister is 16 years old and has an autistic disorder.  Moose asks Al Capone for his help in getting her into a special school.  Moose finds a note in his laundry stating DONE! in Al Capone's handwriting.  After this, Capone looks to square things up and needs Moose's help.  It is a very entertaining book and would encourage you to read it.     

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