November 19, 2010

Block Scheduling: Do You Prefer or Not Prefer?

Without a job, it is hard to get a feel for what everyone of you are going through.  I did however get to observe in some classes and will blog about that.  I was able to observe a 5th grade literacy teacher.  Her class was very interesting.  The literacy classes at this school is on a semi-block schedule.  When I say that, I mean that the literacy classes are block, but math/science is on a 50 minute schedule.  After talking to her, the block schedule is tough on her, especially with this age.  She says that sometimes it fell like she has to do a "dance and perform" for them to keep them interested.  I can definitely see that with 5th graders.  I like the idea of block scheduling for older kids, but I am unsure about younger kids.  It can be done, but you have to be very talented and very organized.  In this particular class, the kids were free to roam around the room when their work was done.  This made it seem kind of chaotic, but with just being in there for a couple of hours, maybe this day was different.  I prefer to work with a little older age group, such as 7th graders.  Even with this grade, I am a little uneasy on block scheduling.  What do you think? 

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